Here is a list of current colors in stock with a description of said color and its undertones. All swatches are approximations. We frequently combine colors to make new and unique shades, so this is not an exhaustive list of what we can do - just the base shades in stock! The undertones of the dye will effect the gradient itself - for example, our black dye is blue based so it pairs well with cooler tones.
**The tint of your computer or mobile phone screen (for example, redshift or nightshift) will effect how our color guide is displayed. Please turn these off when viewing our guide and/or photos of previous work.**
For use on cotton and other natural fibers. Thigh-highs, bandanas, and tunics are dyed with these colors:
Neutral to warm toned true brown
A warm toned, deep maroon - makes a beautiful gradient with red and pink - warm undertones
A great mixing red - low water immersions will have flecks of deeper red - warm undertones
(Please note this color is temporarily sold out as of March 2023 - awaiting shipment)
A warm toned red dye - tends to skew lighter than a true deep red, mixes well with pink - warm undertones
A true orange - warm undertones
A red clay color - mixes well with warm colors - warm undertones
A deep yellow gold dye - mixes well with lemon yellow to create a nice goldenrod - warm undertones
Lemon Yellow
Our primary color yellow - warm undertones
Mystic Pine
Deep, pine green with hints of mauve - One of our most unique and color shifting shades! - Shapeshifts from deep green, purple, and gray; the color swatches shown are an approximation
Deep green - our darkest pine
Cool to gray undertones
Canopy Green
Deep, forest teal green - mixes well with blues and blacks in gradients - cool undertones
Teal Green
Deep, blue-green dye - cool undertones
Sage Green
Dusty green sage dye - mixes well with black, blues, and all cool toned dyes - cool to gray undertones
Bright and vibrant turquoise - mint shines through in a low water immersion style - cool undertones
Minty and light blue-green - one of our favorite dye colors! - cool undertones
(Please note this color is temporarily sold out as of Mar 2023 - awaiting shipment)
Deep sapphire blue - mixes well with cool toned dyes and black - cool undertones
Berry Purple
Deep purple - when used in low amounts, creates a raspberry colored dye - warm undertones
Pastel, floral purple - our replacement for the discontinued Lavender dye - neutral to cool undertones
Vibrant pink - when used in low amounts, creates a pastel pink
Shocking pink - when used in lower amounts, creates a hot pink color
Steel Gray
Cool gray dye - mixes well with black - pink/lavender undertones
Brutalist Gray
Our deepest gray - flecks of goldenrod and deep blues in low water immersion baths - neutral undertones
Desert Blush
Dusty pink to mauve with flecks of goldenrod and fuchsia - One of our most unique, colorshifting shades! - Swatches shown are an approximation
Deep black dye - cool/navy blue undertones
For use on protein based fibers such as silk, nylon, and wool. Aerial silks and silk fans are dyed with these colors:
Ruby Red
Our primary red for protein fibers - warm undertones
Carrot Orange
Bright and warm secondary color orange - warm undertones
Brilliant and bright yellow - warm undertones
Gorgeous pastel seafoam or mint green, depending on how much dye used - cool undertones
Secondary color, deep and vibrant green - cool undertones
Prussian Blue
Our primary blue for protein fibers - cool undertones
Vibrant pink - warm undertones
Secondary color purple - mixes well with red to create a wine hue - warm to neutral undertones
Deep, dark blue - mixes well in a gradient with black - cool undertones
Soft Gray
A neutral gray - On silk, this is a particularly glossy and silver shade - Mixes well with black and navy
True Black
Black with neutral undertones
Unfortunately, some of our colors have been discontinued, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic after some suppliers permanently closed. They are fondly remembered - please pay your respects in this dye graveyard.
Light purple colored dye - mixes well with deep blues and purples - cool undertones
Cerulean Blue
primary color blue - excellent for mixing with other colors - cool undertones
Emerald Green
Heavily yellow based green - leans bright lime - warm undertones